
The End

The toughest part of this page was Lockdown. He affects every part of the page in panel design and balance, his decision now is the focus of the story. It was a challenge to fit him in the middle of the page and allow room for the rest of the story, so it took a few re-draws of his pose to be content. I am very happy with the top panels also, I like the flow of the action. Would have liked more impact in the last panel.

Who to shoot?

The team springs into action but what will Lockdown do? Follow orders or follow his ideals? His finger is on the trigger.


Formation Disperse

I think this was my most pressurised page. A lot to communicate. I had to redraw and ink some elements and wasn't happy with the rendering of the last panel. Really like Baby Jane on this page though.

Beginning of the End

The beginning of the two page finale. You've met the team, you've seen where they live, now see them in action as each member takes up their positions. Lockdown on the some from page one, Baby Jane in control and the others on street level. What will happen?



I did this page over a year ago now, and looking at it inked, it's one of those pages I'd like to ink again knowing what I know now. I think I lost a sense of clarity and strength that the pencils contained. Having said that, you do what you know until you know differently and every piece is a step towards who you are as an artist.

Forming Formation 7

The first and only page in the comic where the full team are together. I went for a triangular composition to emphasise unity and strength. The challenge with this page was to nail the proportions, making sure each character related realistically. Also the tiny Baby Jane could have easily been lost to the vertical superiority of her teammates, especially Jumbo Girl. In employing the desk I hoped to give a platform for her to express her large character. The desk helped to frame the team as-well, being the only straight edge on the page.